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**�� ���\���� Chapter 1 Overview of the Tongue Diagnosis **��(ji��) ���\�İl(f��)չԴ�� Section 1 Origin andDevelopment oftheTongueDiagnosis �ڶ���(ji��) ����ΑB(t��i)�Y���c�������� Section 2 Shape and Structures and Physiological Function of Tongue һ���ΑB(t��i)�Y�� 1��Shape and structure ������������ 2��Physiological function ������(ji��) ���\ԭ�� Section 3 Mechanism of Tongue Diagnosis һ�����c�K����(j��ng)�j���Pϵ 1��Relationship between tongue��viscera and meridians �������c��Ѫ��Һ���Pϵ 2��Relationship between tongue and qi��blood,body fluid ���������c�K���Č����Pϵ 3��Correspondence of the tongue to the viscera ���Ĺ�(ji��) ���\���R�����x Section 4 Clinical Significance of the Tongue Diagnosis һ���Д�а��ʢ˥ 1��To judge the exuberance or debilitation of the vital��qi and the pathogenic��qi �����^(q��)�e��а���| 2��To distinguish the nature of disease pathogen �����Єe��λ�\�� 3��To detect the shallow or deep location of disease �����Ɣಡ���M�� 4��To infer the tendency of disease ������Ӌ�����A�� 5��To estimate the prognosis of disease �ڶ��� ���\���A�о� Chapter 2 Basic Research of the Tongue Diagnosis **��(ji��) �\���| Section 1 Inspection of Tongue Texture һ������ 1��Tongue vitality(Spirit) (һ)����(�s��) 1��1 Full vitality(Luxuriant tongue) (��)�o��(����) 1��2 Lacking of vitality(Withered tongue) ������ɫ 2��Tongue color (һ)���t�� 2��1 Pink tongue (��)������ 2��2 Pale tongue (��)�t�� 2��3 Red tongue (��)�{�� 2��4 Crimson Tongue ���� ������ ���\�R������ Chapter 3 Clinical Application of the Tongue Diagnosis ������ ���\�о��Mչ Chapter 4 Research progress of the Tongue Diagnosis

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