�ƻ���˼�� ���(qu��n)��Ϣ
- ISBN��9787569937732
- �l�δa��9787569937732 ; 978-7-5699-3773-2
- �b����һ���z�漈
- ��(c��)��(sh��)�����o(w��)
- ���������o(w��)
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1.��� ���ו��x��Ķ��ǿ���ϣ���������v��Ʒ�����g�в�������֮ǰδ�����κ��Z(y��)�Գ����^(gu��)����Ʒ�� 2.�汾����(qu��n)�� ��ϵ���ɿ���ϣ����������(hu��)�ڙ�(qu��n)��ڤ˼�����g�F(tu��n)�(du��)�M�����g��ԓ�F(tu��n)�(du��)Ҳ���@�ұ����ϻ����(hu��)�J(r��n)�C�ġ������Ї�(gu��)ί�T��(hu��)���� 3. �wϵ������ ������Ʒ֮���ԕ��N������(d��)����֮�̌�(d��o)�к��˕r(sh��)����������������˼���wϵ��ȫ�����`��(d��o)�����^�����Ƶģ�����(du��)�����Ľ���Ԫ�(d��)һ�o(w��)���� 4.125*185����С�_(k��i)����Ʒ������������Ҫ�W(xu��)��(x��)һλ�������`��(d��o)����Խ�ǻۣ��@������ֵ�����ղص��� 5.��Ӣ�p�Z(y��)����(du��)����x�����ֺ�(ji��n)����Ҫ��ͨ�������@��һ��ƽ��(f��)��w�����������������(n��i)�ĵ�ƽ�ͣ��ɾ���������������(d��ng)�㲻���Լ���˼��������ʹ����S֮��ʧ���옷(l��)Ҳ��(hu��)�S֮����(l��i)��
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**�� / ���R(sh��)���挍(sh��)��ò 001 Truth of Consciousness
�ڶ��� / ����(g��)������������� 067 The Whole Universe is an Orderly Existence
������ / ʹ��ͱ����ĽK�Y(ji��) 131 The End of Pain and Sorrow
������ / ˼������ķǷ����� 201 Thought and Its Extraordinary Energy
������ / �ƻ���˼�� 281 Network of Thought
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Though intellectually we are very sophisticated, yet our daily life is such a grind, without any meaning, except survival��which again is rather doubtful. Why has life, everyday existence, become such a torture? We may go to church, follow some leader, political or religious, but the daily life is always a turmoil, though there are certain periods which are occasionally joyful, happy, there is always a cloud of darkness about our life. And these two friends, as we are, you and the speaker, are talking over together in a friendly manner, perhaps with affection, with care, with concern, whether it is at all possible to live our daily life without a single problem. Although we are highly educated, have certain careers and specializations yet we have these unresolved struggles, the pain and suffering, and sometimes joy and a feeling of not being totally selfish. �҂������̽ӑ�@��(g��)��(w��n)�}:��ʲô���Ҫ��F(xi��n)���@ ����������ʮ����һ�յ؏����Ͼ��c(di��n)���������c(di��n)�����c(di��n)���k�����ϰ����X������һֱ����ر�ռ��(j��)���ā�(l��i)�](m��i)��һ�̰��o�����DZ�ʲô�|��ռ��(j��)�����Ǿ����҂� ÿ�����^(gu��)�Ć��{(di��o)�������ஔ(d��ng)�ª�(d��)��ؚ��������҂�?c��)��Dͨ�^(gu��)�ڽ���ͨ�^(gu��)���N��ʽ�Ċʘ�(l��)�ӱ�������(d��ng)һ��Y(ji��)���ĕr(sh��)���҂�?n��i)�Ȼ����ԭ�����ǂ�(g��)�҂������S����ĵط������������҂��ƺ���׃��һ�c(di��n)���҂��Ć�(w��n)�}����������һֱ������(du��)˥������������_�҂�������Ŀ֑����@�����҂�����������ͯ���_(k��i)ʼֱ��������Ҫô̹Ȼ������Ҫô���ܵ������҂��ƺ��](m��i)�ܽ�Q�����Ć�(w��n)�}���e�Ǯ�(d��ng)һ��(g��)��׃�ϵĕr(sh��)���������������н�(j��ng)�v�ĕr(sh��)�������еĿ옷(l��)��ʹ���������� �Iˮ�ĕr(sh��)�������Ǵ����@��(g��)δ֪�Ľ��������Ė|�����҂������(sh��)�˶�������������ɂ�(g��)�������ڹ��@�� �L(zh��ng)�������������@��(g��)��â����Ĵ�d��������� ���g�Ĺ�Ӱ�����(y��ng)���^(gu��)��(sh��)�~������(l��i)��������ˮ����Σ���غ������҂�һ��Մ?w��)��@�������҂��� �ɂ�(g��)����һ��һ��ȥՄ?w��)������҂��?j��ng)�v�����L(zh��ng)�ć�(y��n)�C ���������г�M�����N���ӵ��韩�������ԡ��ª�(d��)�� �^�����چ����n�]�����_�����o(w��)���x����*�K�������� So let us go into this question of why we human beings live as we do, going to the office from nine until five or six for fifty years, and always the brain, the mind, constantly occupied. There is never a quietness, but always this occupation with something or other. And that is our life. That is our daily, monotonous, rather lonely, insufficient life. And we try to escape from it through religion, through various forms of entertainment. At the end of the day we are still where we have been for thousands and thousands of years. We seem to have changed very little, psychologically, inwardly. Our problems increase, and always there is the fear of old age, disease, some accident that will put us out. So this is our existence, from childhood until we die, either voluntarily or involuntarily die. We do not seem to have been able to solve that problem, the problem of dying. Especially as one grows older one remembers all the things that have been the times of pleasure, the times of pain, and of sorrow, and of tears. Yet always there is this unknown thing called death of which most of us are frightened. And as two friends sitting in the park on a bench, not in this hall with all this light, which is rather ugly, but sitting in the dappling light, the sun coming through the leaves, the ducks on the canal and the beauty of the earth, let us talk this over together. Let us talk it over together as two friends who have had a long serious life with all its trouble, the troubles of sex, loneliness, despair, depression, anxiety, uncertainty, a sense of meaninglessness��and at the end of it always death. ͨ�^(gu��)Մ?w��)��@�������҂������������Ͻӽ����������f(shu��)��������������Մ?w��)����Dz��ɱ��������Ҫ�֑��?���������������Ⱥ�����V�Լ�������һ������ĽK�Y(ji��)���҂��Ĵ������҂��Ľ�(j��ng)�(y��n)���҂���ӛ���������ǜ�����������������S������Ҳ�ǂ�����ʹ��ĽK�Y(ji��)���@��ζ��ʲô?�@���^���挍(sh��)������ ����҂��J(r��n)��،�ҕ�����͕�(hu��)�l(f��)�F(xi��n)���䌍(sh��)���o(w��)���x�� �҂��܉��������������^�Ͻ���һ�N��������x�� �����҂���(sh��)�H������s�](m��i)�����x��������������� ��֪����һ��������֮���һ�ж�����Փ���Ɯy(c��)����(du��)�����ğo(w��)���x�����҂�ֻ�������Ќ���ij�N��ȫ��ϣ�����҂�����˼��Ͷ�����(l��i)���������҂�ͨ �^(gu��)�^��ȥ��(sh��)�F(xi��n)�����@�����҂����������������҂��dz����p�ĕr(sh��)�������������Ǖr(sh��)�҂���M�˻������dȤ�����X(ju��)�҂��������κ����顣�������Ć�(w��n)�}���������������������r(sh��)������ In talking about it, we approach it intellectually��that is, we rationalize it, say it is inevitable, not to fear it or, if you are highly intellectual, telling yourself that death is the end of all things, of our existence, our experiences, our memories, be they tender, delightful, plentiful; the end also of pain and suffering. What does it all mean, this life which is really, if we examine it very closely, rather meaningless? We can, intellectually, verbally, construct a meaning to life, but the way we actually live has very little meaning. Living and dying is all we know. Everything apart from that is theory, speculation; meaningless pursuit of a belief in which we find some kind of security and hope. We have ideals projected by thought and we struggle to achieve them. This is our life, even when we are very young, full of vitality and fun, with the feeling that we can do almost anything; but with youth, middle and old age supervening, there is always this question of death. �������ָ����Ԓ���㲻ֻ���� (t��ng)һϵ�е����o���뷨�� �������c��һͬ�{(di��o)������������Ć�(w��n)�}��Ҫô������ġ��������(g��)�^�Xȥ����Ҫô���ֵ������滯��ȥ�������@�ӛ](m��i)��ʲô���x�� You are not merely, if one may point out, listening to a series of words, to some ideas, but rather together, I mean together, investigating this whole problem of living and dying. And either you do it with your heart, with your whole mind, or else partially, superficially��and so with very little meaning.
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