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  • ISBN��9787576805864
  • �l�δa��9787576805864 ; 978-7-5768-0586-4
  • �b����һ���z�漈
  • ��(c��)��(sh��)�����o(w��)
  • ���������o(w��)
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Chapter One Self: a Theoretical Point of Departure of Body Studies
1.1 Philosophical trace of self and its linkage with body
1.2 Perspectives of body studies: ontology, epistemology, axiology
1.3 Dimensions ofMorrison's somathetics: racial, spatial, discursive
Chapter Two The Ethnic Body in Bluest, Sula and Solomon
2.1 Pecola: "lure of blue eyes" and the victimized self in the superior white culture
2.2 Sula: "unbridled sexuality" and the rebellious self against the patriarchal society
2.3 Pilate: "missing naval" and the constructive self of the black women
2.4 Transcending "gendered" body in individualized black women
Chapter Three The Spatial Body in Tar, Beloved and Jazz
3.1 Jadine: "transgressed" body and self in "physical space"
3.2 Beloved: "traversing" body and self in "spiritual space"
3.3 Violet: "conflictory" body and self in "social space"
3.4 Transcending "bound" body in the individuality of black women
Chapter Four The Discursive Body in Paradise, Love and Mercy
4.1 Paradise: collective self in the bodies from exclusion to assimilation
4.2 Love: collective self in the bodies from alienation to harmony
4.3 Mercy: collective self in the bodies from freedom to "re-enslavement"
4.4 Transcending "individual" body in the community of black women
Chapter Five The Construction of Self in Black Women's Body
5.1 Static construction of"ontic" self vs. "finished" self
5.2 Dynamic construction of "phenomenal" self vs. "finite" self
5.3 Spiral construction of "reciprocal" self vs. "infinite" self
Works Cited

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