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Global modernization review:��:Innovation and modernization

���] Global modernization review:��:Innovation and modernization

���ߣ�Editors-in-chief He
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Global modernization review:��:Innovation and modernization ���(qu��n)��Ϣ

  • ISBN��9787030765628
  • �l�δa��9787030765628 ; 978-7-03-076562-8
  • �b����ƽ�b
  • �Ԕ�(sh��)�����o
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Global modernization review:��:Innovation and modernization ��(n��i)�ݺ���

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Global modernization review:��:Innovation and modernization Ŀ�

CONTENTSPrefaceAcknowledgmentsPart I Innovation & Modernization 1The Next Generation EU Program as an Instance of Innovative Institutional Response to Public Health Crisis 3Production Sector Policies for Innovation 10Open Innovation and Sustained Globalization Will Benefit Each Other 13Risk and Trust at This Time: New Challenge for Modernization 38ESG in Russia Business 44Part II Innovation Driving & Modernization 65Institutional Ecology Construction of China��s Primitive Creativity 67Analysis of the Impact Factors on the Innovation of Intelligent Logistics of China's E-commerce Platform under the Background of Artificial Intelligence 78Research on the Interactive Relationship Between Industrial Chain Competitiveness and Supply Chain Modernization Level 99Part III Technological Innovation & Economic Growth 119Innovation�� Diffusion�� and Sunk Cost Effect 121The Importance of the Logistics Performance Index in International Trade: Case of Lower-and Upper-Middle-Income Countries 133Research on the Coupling Relationship Between S&T Innovation and Economy in Beijing 150Part IV Knowledge Innovation & Social Progress 159Generations of Young Adults in Modern Russia 161Technological Innovation and Enterprise Development: A Comparative Study of Recombinant Human Insulin Technology Between China and the United States 167Modernization and Education in Central and Eastern Europe: Paths of Evolvement and the Future 177The Role of National Science and Technology Communication System Construction on Knowledge Innovation 183Part V Open Innovation & Green Development 189Russian Economy Environmental Modernization Towards Green Economy Through the UNSustainable Development Goals Implementation and Regulation and Management of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Development: International Experience and National Aspects 191Evaluation of an Ecological Innovation System Based on Function�� Process and Sustainability 201Decision-making and Implementation of Rural Clean Energy Heating Retrofitting: A Study on the Participation of Multiple Actors 216Part VI Sci-Tech Revolution & World Modernization 229Scientific & Technological Revolution in the Second Half of the 20th Century Romania 231Industrial Revolution and the Modernization of Interactive Means of Human Society 237Study on the Characteristics of World Typical Cities�� Transportation Modernization 244The Role of Scientific and Technological Innovation in the Modernization Process 253Part VII Criteria & Measures of Modernization and China Modernization 255Optimization of Talent Allocation and China's Modernization 257Basic Experience of the New Road of Chinese Modernization 264Chinese Social Transformation and the Rule of Law 271On China's Governance Modernization: Connotation�� Characteristics and Implementation Strategy 272Modernization Theory: Chinese and Western Intercourse 280New Concept of Development: A New Concept of China's Modernization 299A Reconsideration of China��s Agricultural Modernization Since 1949 306The Balanced Practices of China Toward Modernization 308The Measurement of World Modernization 309World Modernization Index 2018 321

Global modernization review:��:Innovation and modernization ���ߺ���

�΂�����He Chuanqi����Emeritus Professor of Political Science and Sociology��University of Milan��Italy�� Former President of the International Social Science Council����ISSC��Co-Chair of the International Modernization Forum�� [��]�������ء��R�ك�(n��i)��(Alberto Martinelli)��Professor Emeritus of Political Science and Sociology, University of Milan, Italy. President of International Social Science Council ( ISSC ). Co-Chair, Scientific Advisory Committee of the International Modernization Forum. [��]���������|��W���W����(JoseAntonio Ocampo)��Professor of Professional Practice in International and Public Affairs��Columbia University��USA�� Former Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations�� Co-Chair of the International Modernization Forum��
