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DD�_����Ʒ�� ���εļ�(x��)��(ji��)+�AȦ���x(ȫ2��(c��))
7-4 �W�˽��ڱO(ji��n)���w�ƸĸҎ(gu��)�R��(��Ӣ�Č�(du��)�ձ�) ���(qu��n)��Ϣ
- ISBN��9787511851369
- �l�δa��9787511851369 ; 978-7-5118-5136-9
- �b����һ���z�漈
- ��(c��)��(sh��)�����o(w��)
- ���������o(w��)
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7-4 �W�˽��ڱO(ji��n)���w�ƸĸҎ(gu��)�R��(��Ӣ�Č�(du��)�ձ�) ����(sh��)��ɫ
���W�˽��ڱO(ji��n)���w�ƸĸҎ(gu��)�R������Ӣ�Č�(du��)�ձ����������Y���Ј�(ch��ng)��Ҫ�����īI(xi��n)�g����������Ҧ���� ����(sh��)����6��(g��)�l�����քe�ǡ��W���h��(hu��)�c�W������(hu��)��2010��78��EU̖(h��o)ָ������W���h��(hu��)�c�W������(hu��)��1092��2010̖(h��o)���W�ˣ��l���������W���h��(hu��)�c�W������(hu��)��1093��2010̖(h��o)���W�ˣ��l���������W���h��(hu��)�c�W������(hu��)��1094��2010̖(h��o)���W�ˣ��l���������W���h��(hu��)�c�W������(hu��)��1095��2010̖(h��o)���W�ˣ��l���������W���h��(hu��)�c�W������(hu��)��1096��2010̖(h��o)���W�ˣ��l������
7-4 �W�˽��ڱO(ji��n)���w�ƸĸҎ(gu��)�R��(��Ӣ�Č�(du��)�ձ�) ��(n��i)�ݺ�(ji��n)��
7-4 �W�˽��ڱO(ji��n)���w�ƸĸҎ(gu��)�R��(��Ӣ�Č�(du��)�ձ�) Ŀ�
article 1��amendments to directive 98/26/ec 20
article 2��amendments to directive 2002/87/ec 22
article 3��amendments to directive 2003/6/ec 32
article 4��amendments to directive 2003/41/ec 36
article 5��amendments to directive 2003/71/ec 40
article 6��amendments to directive 2004/39/ec 50
article 7��amendments to directive 2004/109/ec 70
article 8��amendments to directive 2005/60/ec 86
article 9��amendments to directive 2006/48/ec 92
article 10��amendments to directive 2006/49/ec 122
article 11��amendments to directive 2009/65/ec 124
article 12��review 154
article 13��transposition 154
article 14��entry into force 156
article 15��addressees 156
regulation (eu) no 1092/2010 of the european
parliament and of the council 159
chapter i��general provisions 174
article 1��establishment 174
article 2��definitions 176
article 3��mission, objectives and tasks 176
chapter ii��organisation 178
article 4��structure 178
article 5��chair and vice-chairs of the esrb 180
article 6��general board 182
article 7��impartiality 182
article 8��professional secrecy 182
article 9��meetings of the general board 184
article 10��voting modalities of the general board 184
article 11��steering committee 186
article 12��advisory scientific committee 186
article 13��advisory technical committee 188
article 14��other sources of advice 190
chapter iii��tasks 190
article 15��collection and exchange of information 190
article 16��warnings and recommendations 192
article 17��follow-up of the esrb recommendations 192
article 18��public warnings and recommendations 194
chapter iv��final provisions 194
article 19��accountability and reporting obligations 194
article 20��review 196
article 21��entry into force 196
regulation (eu) no 1093/2010 of the european parliament and of the council 199
chapter i��establishment and legal status 236
article 1��establishment and scope of action 236
article 2��european system of financial supervision 238
article 3��accountability of the authorities 240
article 4��definitions 240
article 5��legal status 240
article 6��composition 242
article 7��seat 242
chapter ii��tasks and powers of the authority 242
article 8��tasks and powers of the authority 242
article 9��tasks related to consumer protection and financial activities 246
article 10��regulatory technical standards 248
article 11��exercise of the delegation 250
article 12��revocation of the delegation 252
article 13��objections to regulatory technical standards 252
article 14��non-endorsement or amendment of draft regulatory technical standards 254
article 15��implementing technical standards 254
article 16��guidelines and recommendations 258
article 17��breach of union law 260
article 18��action in emergency situations 262
article 19��settlement of disagreements between competent authorities in cross-
border situations 264
article 20��settlement of disagreements between competent authorities across sectors 266
article 21��colleges of supervisors 266
article 22��general provisions 270
article 23��identification and measurement of systemic risk 270
article 24��permanent capacity to respond to systemic risks 272
article 25��recovery and resolution procedures 272
article 26��european system of deposit guarantee schemes 272
article 27��european system of bank resolution and funding arrangements 274
article 28��delegation of tasks and responsibilities 274
article 29��common supervisory culture 276
article 30��peer reviews of competent authorities 276
article 31��coordination function 278
article 32��assessment of market developments 280
article 33��international relations 280
article 34��other tasks 282
article 35��collection
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