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Contents: Basic issues of Joint Operations are dedicated in the book. The contents include basic concepts, the mechanism, function and organization of Joint Operations; joint /combined cooperation and interoperability; command and control (C2); information support system of Joint Operations; and advanced theories in post information age, i.e. Network Centric Warfare (NCW) and Cyberspace Operations (CO). This book can be used as a teaching book for overseas students from English-speaking countries, a teaching material for domestic undergraduate and postgraduate level military basic theory courses, and a research reference for Joint Operations. ��(n��i)�ݺ��飺����ϵ�y(t��ng)�U����“(li��n)������(zh��n)�Ļ������}������“(li��n)������(zh��n)�Ļ�������C(j��)���������c�M����“(li��n)������(zh��n)�е�“(li��n)�����f(xi��)ͬ�c��������“(li��n)������(zh��n)��ָ�]�c����(C2)��“(li��n)������(zh��n)����Ϣ֧��ϵ�y(t��ng)������Ϣ�r(sh��)��“(li��n)������(zh��n)��ǰ����Փ����W(w��ng)�j(lu��)���đ�(zh��n)(NCW)�;W(w��ng)�j(lu��)���g����(zh��n)(CO)��������������Ӣ�Z������W(xu��)���Ľ̌W(xu��)�Õ���Ҳ���������(n��i)�������о����Ӵ�܊�»��A(ch��)��Փ�n�̲̽ĺ�“(li��n)������(zh��n)���}���Ѕ����Y�ϡ�

“(li��n)������(zh��n)��Փ ��(n��i)�ݺ���

Contents: Basic issues of Joint Operations are dedicated in the book. The contents include basic concepts, the mechanism, function and organization of Joint Operations; joint /combined cooperation and interoperability; command and control (C2); information support system of Joint Operations; and advanced theories in post information age, i.e. Network Centric Warfare (NCW) and Cyberspace Operations (CO). This book can be used as a teaching book for overseas students from English-speaking countries, a teaching material for domestic undergraduate and postgraduate level military basic theory courses, and a research reference for Joint Operations. ��(n��i)�ݺ��飺����ϵ�y(t��ng)�U����“(li��n)������(zh��n)�Ļ������}������“(li��n)������(zh��n)�Ļ�������C(j��)���������c�M����“(li��n)������(zh��n)�е�“(li��n)�����f(xi��)ͬ�c��������“(li��n)������(zh��n)��ָ�]�c����(C2)��“(li��n)������(zh��n)����Ϣ֧��ϵ�y(t��ng)������Ϣ�r(sh��)��“(li��n)������(zh��n)��ǰ����Փ����W(w��ng)�j(lu��)���đ�(zh��n)(NCW)�;W(w��ng)�j(lu��)���g����(zh��n)(CO)��������������Ӣ�Z������W(xu��)���Ľ̌W(xu��)�Õ���Ҳ���������(n��i)���ơ��о����Ӵ�܊�»��A(ch��)��Փ�n�̲̽ĺ�“(li��n)������(zh��n)���}���Ѕ����Y����

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CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 IMPRESSION ON JOINT OPERATIONS 2 1.1.1 What Is Joint Operations 2 1.1.2 Where Is Joint Operations From 3 1.1.3 Why Joint 6 1.2 CONCEPTS AND COMPONENTS 8 1.2.1 Basic Concepts of Joint Operations 8 1.2.2 Joint Warfare in Joint Operations 11 1.2.3 Components of Joint Operations 12 1.3 CHARACTERISTICS AND PRINCIPLES 17 1.3.1 Characteristics of Joint Operations 17 1.3.2 Principles of Joint Operations 19 CHAPTER TWO MECHANISM, FUNCTION AND ORGANIZING 25 2.1 MECHANISM OF JOINT OPERATIONS 26 2.1.1 Commander-Centric Leadership 26 2.1.2 Operational Art 28 2.1.3 Operational Design 30 2.1.4 Joint Operation Planning 31 2.1.5 Assessment 32 2.2 FUNCTION OF JOINT OPERATIONS 34 2.2.1 Command and Control 34 2.2.2 Intelligence 39 2.2.3 Fires 41 2.2.4 Movement and Maneuver 42 2.2.5 Protection 43 2.2.6 Sustainment 44 2.3 ORGANIZING FOR JOINT OPERATIONS 46 2.3.1 Understanding the Operational Environment 46 2.3.2 Organizing the Joint Force 50 2.3.3 Organizing the Joint Force Headquarters 54 2.3.4 Organizing Operational Areas 55 CHAPTER THREE JOINT/COMBINED ?COOPERATION ?AND INTEROPERABILITY 59 3.1 FORMS OF COOPERATION 60 3.1.1 Air Force Support of Ground Forces 60 3.1.2 Navy Support of Ground Forces 66 3.1.3 Ground Force Support of the Navy 70 3.1.4 Air Force Support of the Navy 71 3.1.5 Army, Air Force and Navy 74 3.2 INTEROPERABILITY IN JOINT AND COMBINED OPERATIONS 75 3.2.1 How Interoperable Must Be 78 3.2.2 How Interoperable Can Be 80 3.2.3 How Interoperable Want to Be 82 3.3 INTEROPERABILITY IN STRATEGIC COMBINED JOINT OPERATIONS 84 3.3.1 The Importance of Interoperability 85 3.3.2 Who is Required to Achieve Interoperability 86 3.3.3 What Capabilities and Services Is Required 86 3.3.4 What Types and at What Levels Is Required 87 3.4 AIR-GROUND COOPERATION 88 3.4.1 Factors for Discord 89 3.4.2 Catalysts for Change 96 3.4.3 Solutions 98 CHAPTER FOUR COMMAND AND CONTROL 103 4.1 UNDERSTANDING OF C2 104 4.2 C2 IN INFORMATION AGE 105 4.3 C2 IN ALLIED JOINT OPERATIONS 109 4.3.1 Visions of C2 During Allied Operations 109 4.3.2 Key Aspects to Improve C2 114 4.4 EFFICIENCY OF C2 116 4.4.1 Mechanism of C2 117 4.4.2 Efficiency Evaluation Model 119 4.4.3 Simulation 122 CHAPTER FIVE INFORMATION SUPPORT SYSTEM 127 5.1 GLOBAL INFORMATION GRID 128 5.1.1 General Concept 128 5.1.2 Components and Advantages 130 5.1.3 Framework Hierarchy and Structure 133 5.1.4 Services Supporting Joint Force Operations 135 5.2 JOINT INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT 141 5.2.1 Definition 142 5.2.2 Background 144 5.2.3 Elements 145 5.2.4 Mobility Service 149 5.3 JOINT TACTICAL RADIO SYSTEM 150 5.3.1 Objectives and Superiority 151 5.3.2 Components, Clusters and Development Phase 153 5.3.3 Recent Transition 156 CHAPTER SIX NETWORK CENTRIC WARFARE 159 6.1 DEFINITION AND TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT 160 6.1.1 Definition 160 6.1.2 Technology Support 161 6.2 ADVANTAGES AND CHALLENGES 165 6.2.1 Advantages 165 6.2.2 Challenges 167 6.3 NEW VISION OF U.S. 174 6.3.1 Joint and Army Vision 174 6.3.2 Navy Vision 176 6.3.3 Marine Corps Vision 179 6.4 AIR FORCE VISION OF U.S. 181 6.4.1 Information Operations 182 6.4.2 Battlespace Awareness 183 6.4.3 Information Transport and Processing 185 CHAPTER SEVEN CYBERSPACE OPERATIONS 187 7.1 DEFINITION AND MILITARY COGNITION 188 7.1.1 Cyberspace 188 7.1.2 Cyberspace Attack 191 7.1.3 Cyber War and Warfare 192 7.2 CYBERSPACE SUPERIORITY 195 7.2.1 Cyberspace Superiority Model 195 7.2.2 Measurement of Cyberspace Superiority 201 7.2.3 Applying the Model 203 7.3 CYBER WARFARE METHODS 204 7.3.1 Military Cyber Warfare Targets 204 7.3.2 Identifying Cyber Warfare Vulnerabilities 206 7.3.3 Inactive Defense Methods 208 7.3.4 Active Defense Methods 210 7.3.5 Active Offensive Methods 212 7.4 INTEGRATION WITH MCPP 216 7.4.1 Background 216 7.4.2 Scenario of Integration 217 GLOSSARY 223 PART I��ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS 223 PART II��TERMS AND DEFINITIONS 227 REFERENCES 257 Ŀ � **�� �wՓ 1 1.1 ��(du��)“(li��n)������(zh��n)���J(r��n)֪ 2 1.1.1 ʲô��“(li��n)������(zh��n) 2 1.1.2 “(li��n)������(zh��n)�ĺζ��� 3 1.1.3 ��ʲôҪ“(li��n)�� 6 1.2 “(li��n)������(zh��n)�ĸ���M�� 8 1.2.1 “(li��n)������(zh��n)�Ļ������� 8 1.2.2 “(li��n)������(zh��n)��“(li��n)���Є�(d��ng) 11 1.2.3 “(li��n)������(zh��n)�ĽM��Ҫ�� 12 1.3 “(li��n)������(zh��n)��������ԭ�t 17 1.3.1 “(li��n)������(zh��n)������ 17 1.3.2 “(li��n)������(zh��n)��ԭ�t 19 �ڶ��� “(li��n)������(zh��n)�ęC(j��)���������c�M�� 25 2.1 “(li��n)������(zh��n)�ęC(j��)�� 26 2.1.1 ��ָ�]�ٞ����ĵ��I(l��ng)��(d��o)�w�� 26 2.1.2 ����(zh��n)��ˇ�g(sh��) 28 2.1.3 ����(zh��n)���O(sh��)Ӌ(j��) 30 2.1.4 “(li��n)������(zh��n)��Ҏ(gu��)�� 31 2.1.5 �u(p��ng)�� 32 2.2 “(li��n)������(zh��n)�Ĺ��� 34 2.2.1 ָ�]�c���� 34 2.2.2 ���(b��o) 39 2.2.3 ���� 41 2.2.4 �����c�C(j��)��(d��ng) 42 2.2.5 ���o(h��) 43 2.2.6 ���� 44 2.3 “(li��n)������(zh��n)�ĽM�� 46 2.3.1 ��������(zh��n)�ĭh(hu��n)�� 46 2.3.2 �M��“(li��n)�ϲ��(du��) 50 2.3.3 �M��“(li��n)�ϲ��(du��)ָ�]�� 54 2.3.4 Ҏ(gu��)������(zh��n)�^(q��)�� 55 ������ “(li��n)������(zh��n)�еąf(xi��)ͬ�c������ 59 3.1 �f(xi��)ͬ����(zh��n)�Ę�ʽ 60 3.1.1 �Ռ�(du��)��֧Ԯ����(zh��n) 60 3.1.2 ����(du��)��֧Ԯ����(zh��n) 66 3.1.3 �،�(du��)��֧Ԯ����(zh��n) 70 3.1.4 �Ռ�(du��)��֧Ԯ����(zh��n) 71 3.1.5 ���������“(li��n)������(zh��n) 74 3.2 “(li��n)������(zh��n)�Ļ����� 75 3.2.1 �������ı�Ҫ�� 78 3.2.2 �������Č�(sh��)ʩ 80 3.2.3 ��������Ŀ��(bi��o) 82 3.3 ��(zh��n)��“(li��n)������(zh��n)�Ļ����� 84 3.3.1 ����������Ҫ�� 85 3.3.2 ������������(du��)�� 86 3.3.3 �������Ĺ��ܺͷ���(w��) 86 3.3.4 ����������ͺ͵ȼ�(j��) 87 3.4 �յ؅f(xi��)ͬ 88 3.4.1 �_ͻ���� 89 3.4.2 ׃���(d��ng)�� 96 3.4.3 ��Q���� 98 ������ “(li��n)������(zh��n)��ָ�]�c���� 103 4.1 ����ָ�]�c���� 104 4.2 ��Ϣ�r(sh��)����ָ�]�c���� 105 4.3 ��܊“(li��n)���Є�(d��ng)�е�ָ�]�c���� 109 4.3.1 ��܊�Є�(d��ng)�е�ָ�]�c���� 109 4.3.2 ����ָ�]�c�����������P(gu��n)�I���� 114 4.4 ָ�]�c���Ƶ�Ч�� 116 4.4.1 ָ�]�c���ƵęC(j��)�� 117 4.4.2 Ч���u(p��ng)�r(ji��)ģ�� 119 4.4.3 ������� 122 ������ ��Ϣ֧��ϵ�y(t��ng) 127 5.1 ȫ����Ϣ�Ÿ� 128 5.1.1 ������� 128 5.1.2 ��(g��u)���c��(y��u)�� 130 5.1.3 �Ӵ��c�Y(ji��)��(g��u) 133 5.1.4 ֧��“(li��n)������(zh��n)�ķ���(w��) 135 5.2 “(li��n)������(zh��n)����Ϣ�h(hu��n)�� 141 5.2.1 ������� 142 5.2.2 ���_(t��i)���� 144 5.2.3 �M��Ҫ�� 145 5.2.4 �Ƅ�(d��ng)����(w��) 149 5.3 “(li��n)�ϑ�(zh��n)�g(sh��)�o���ϵ�y(t��ng) 150 5.3.1 Ŀ��(bi��o)�̓�(y��u)�� 151 5.3.2 �M�����Vϵ�Ͱl(f��)չ�A�� 153 5.3.3 �����D(zhu��n)�� 156 ������ �W(w��ng)�j(lu��)���đ�(zh��n) 159 6.1 �����c���g(sh��)���A(ch��) 160 6.1.1 ���� 160 6.1.2 ���g(sh��)֧�� 161 6.2 ��(y��u)���c����(zh��n) 165 6.2.1 ��(y��u)�� 165 6.2.2 ����(zh��n) 167 6.3 ��܊���˜�(g��u)�� 174 6.3.1 “(li��n)�ϲ��(du��)���܊��(g��u)�� 174 6.3.2 ��܊��(g��u)�� 176 6.3.3 ��܊ꑑ�(zh��n)�(du��)��(g��u)�� 179 6.4 ����܊*�˜�(g��u)�� 181 6.4.1 ��Ϣ����(zh��n) 182 6.4.2 ��(zh��n)�����g��֪ 183 6.4.3 ��Ϣ��ݔ��̎�� 185 ������ �W(w��ng)�j(lu��)���g����(zh��n) 187 7.1 ���܊���J(r��n)֪ 188 7.1.1 �W(w��ng)�j(lu��)���g 188 7.1.2 �W(w��ng)�j(lu��)���g���� 191 7.1.3 �W(w��ng)�j(lu��)��(zh��n)���c�W(w��ng)�j(lu��)��(zh��n) 192 7.2 �W(w��ng)�j(lu��)���g��(y��u)�� 195 7.2.1 �W(w��ng)�j(lu��)���g��(y��u)��ģ�� 195 7.2.2 �W(w��ng)�j(lu��)���g��(y��u)���u(p��ng)�� 201 7.2.3 ģ�͑�(y��ng)�� 203 7.3 �W(w��ng)�j(lu��)���g����(zh��n)���� 204 7.3.1 �W(w��ng)�j(lu��)���g����(zh��n)܊��Ŀ��(bi��o) 204 7.3.2 �W(w��ng)�j(lu��)�����Է��� 206 7.3.3 ����(d��ng)�������� 208 7.3.4 ����(d��ng)�������� 210 7.3.5 ����(d��ng)�M(j��n)������ 212 7.4 �c��܊ꑑ�(zh��n)�(du��)Ҏ(gu��)�����̵�һ�w�� 216 7.4.1 ���� 216 7.4.2 һ�w���O(sh��)�� 217 �~�R�� 223 1 �s���� 223 2 ���~��� 227 �����īI(xi��n) 257