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- ISBN��9787520372947
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1.1 An Overview of the EU's Presence at the United Nations
1.2 Conceptual and Methodological Considerations
1.3 Structure of the Book
Chapter 2 Literature Review
Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework: Principal-Agent Theory
3.1 Central Arguments of Principal-Agent Theory
3.2 Principal-Agent Theory and EU Representation in International Organizations
3.3 Principal-Agent Theory and New Institutionalism
Chapter 4 EU Representation at the U N:A Principal-Agent Explanation
4.1 The EU in the Context of the UN General Assembl
4.1.1 The U N General Assembly at a Glance
4.1.2 Developments of EU Representation at the UN General Assembly
4.2 EU Representation at the U N Security Council
4.2.1 UN Security Council Structure,Working Methods and Procedure
4.2.2 EU Representation in the Context of the UN Security Council
4.2.3 EU Coordination on UN Matters: From Brussels to New York
4.3 UN Security Council Reform:Toward a Single EU Representation?
Chapter 5 Quantitative Analysis of EU Voting Behaviour at the UN
5.1 Overall Voting Coherence of the EU at the UNGA
5.1.1 Data Description and Analytical Model
5.1.2 Hypotheses Testing and Evaluation
5.2 EU Voting Behaviour at the UNSC:Descriptive Statistics
Chapter 6 Case Studies: EU Representation in the Iraq and Libya Crises
6.1 A Discussion of Case Selection
6.2 The EU and the Iraq Crisis
6.2.1 Background
6.2.2 Horizontal Coherence: EU-level Response to the Crisis
6.2.3 Vertical Coherence: Divergent Reactions from EU Member States
6.2.4 An Assessment of EU Representation Coherence in the Irag Crisis
6.3 The EU and the Libya Crisis
6.3.1 Background
6.3.2 Horizontal Coherence: EU-level Response to the Libya Crisis
6.3.3 Vertical Coherence: Divergent Reactions from EU Member States
6.3.4 An Assessment of EU Representation Coherence in the Libya Crisis
6.4 A Cross-Case Comparison
Chapter 7 Conclusions
7.1 Revisiting the Main Findings
7.2 Recommendations:Towards a More Coherent EU?
7.3 Contributions, Limitations and Future Prospects
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������Dr. Jin Xi, born in 1985, Shaanxi Province, is an Assistant Professor in the School ofIniternational Studies, Renmin University of China.She holds a PhD (2014) in Political Science, an MA (2010) in International Relations andDiplomacy (cum laude) from Leiden University, and an LLB (2008) in International Politicsfrom China University of Political Science andLaw. Her research interests include Europeanintegration and Europeanization, comparativeregionalism, politics of visuality and aesthetics, and feminist international relations.
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